Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Did I hear "Fair World Trade"?

America complains that Europe is being partial to Airbus by offering low cost government loans. If its all about fair world trade, what about the huge agricultural subsidy that America offers to its farmers? These subsidies lower the price of agricultural produce. And who suffers the most? Poor farmers in poor countries, in Africa for example, who cannot compete with such low prices.

Truly, America needs to put its house in order before pointing its finger at others.

Monday, December 12, 2005

The renaming craze

Bombay to Mumbai, Madras to Chennai, Calcutta to Kolkatta and now Bangalore to Bengaluru - this is just too much. Instead of focussing on infrastructure issues, our Chief Minister decides to rename our city, moving away from a name that is world famous to something that makes no sense, no difference. Most kannadigas call Bangalore as Bengaluru anyway. How does it matter? Why do we have to be fanatical over such silly issues?

Apparently, Mr.Chief Minister consulted "prominent kannada litterateurs" before ordering this change. Did he consult Public Relations experts? Did he care a damn about how famous the name "Bangalore" has become (because of IT ofcourse) and what impact this renaming will have on the city? This government represents the people, the decisions of this government should be based on the choice of the majority of our people. Did he care to ask what the people want?

I grew up spelling Bengaluru as Bangalore and nothing will make me change that. I am from Bangalore, not Bengaluru.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Confidence or Overconfidence?

Being confident with one's thoughts is important. Being overconfident can be disastrous. So, how do you realize where the dividing line is?

I have come across many situations, both at work and while having casual discussions/debates, where I have been really confident with what I believed in or the way I analysed the matter of discussion. Many a times, I have gone wrong. During such situations I often ask myself as to why I was so confident. What should I do in order to avoid facing a potential "foot in the mouth" situation due to this kind of confidence or rather overconfidence?

So, what I am doing wrong? Is it just lack of experience? Or is there a need to improve my reasoning and analysis? Do I need to question every belief of mine no matter how strong it is?