Monday, June 06, 2005

Mac will marry Intel as well

apple logo

Its official. Steve Jobs has spoken about transitions to Intel architecture beginning this year and completing by 2007. Xcode 2.1 will be released today which supports coding on both platforms. The dream is to have one binary which can work on both architectures!!! Interesting... Is this the beginning of 'The End' (for Micro$oft)?

Personally, I don't have any strong opinions for or against this. In fact I feel that this is a very good move by Apple. Apparently, all major releases of Mac OS X for last 5 years were compiled on an x86!


Adarsh Bhat said...

At the very least it means good UI at cheap prices

Loukik said...

The main concern is drop in performance. Many critics of this move feel that PowerPC architecture was better than the x86. I suppose apple used benchmarks before making this big move and I hope apple isn't taking this route just to keep prices low..