Friday, May 30, 2008

More republican crap

Excerpts from CIA director Michael Hayden's recent interview.

Al Qaeda is essentially defeated in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and on the defensive throughout much of the world.....
........Near strategic defeat of al Qaeda in Iraq. Near strategic defeat for al Qaeda in Saudi Arabia. Significant setbacks for al Qaeda globally -- and here I'm going to use the word 'ideologically,' as a lot of the Islamic world pushes back on their form of Islam..........
........Counter-terrorism successes extend even to the lawless region along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, where bin Laden is believed to be living...........
.......Despite the optimistic outlook, the Post said Hayden expressed concern that the progress against al Qaeda could be halted or reversed because of what he views as growing complacency and a return to the mind-set that existed before the Sept. 11 attacks.........
.......Our lord, his highness, the great president, George W. Bush has enlightened me in this matter and provided me with all the insight into our successes and future prospects. No other proofs or reports are required to back my claim except my complete faith in Him

Friday, May 23, 2008

Myanmar to now accept all aid workers

It disgusts me to read this news. The Junta have decided to protect their powers in lieu of the lives of potentially millions of people. We sometimes conveniently assume that the military is meant to protect the lives of their countrymen. And what took Ban Ki-moon such a long time to get there?

Although one thing worth appreciating is the pressure that the international community (especially UK and USA) put on Myanmar.

Beer Festival

I had a great time last night at the annual Cambridge Beer Festival. Good beer, good weather and lots of people. I started with Regatta - a light summery beer, not very bitter (I don't like bitter). I found it a bit bland but was generally good for a starter. I then tried out and quite liked the Festival Special Beer from Elgoods brewery (they said that its name will be decided after a competition). Finished off with Sparta from Milton brewery..was good beer as well but don't remember much about it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dinosaurs and extinction

There are theories attempting to explain the cause(s) of Dinosaurs' extinction. Popular one of course is the meteorite collision theory. There are others though that at least we Indians will never agree to. Here is one that I found in London Museum of Natural History