Sunday, March 20, 2005

Had a friend for dinner

I would be careful with the above words if I were in Germany :-)...A late start to my weekend by getting up at mid-day and then meeting a friend for a cup of punting unfortunately...this damn weather is great when I have to stay indoors. Ended the eventless day with a dinner with friends, one of them leaving to spain for good. Hope to see some sunlight tomorrow atleast....

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Just another weekend???

Well, the temperature here shot up so suddenly! It was freezing last weekend and now its 17deg C??? Had been really waiting for it...I guess the enthusiasm when spring 'springs in' increases with each passing year.

So, the weekend is here and I don't know what I am going to do. Just came back home from the usual friday evening visit to the pub and there is so much household work waiting.. I guess thats what I am going to do over the weekend :-( ....Punting would be nice...For those who do not know what punting is all about, a punt is a long, a very long thin stick with which you push the floor of the river (yes, the river has to be shallow) and move ahead. Steering is done by submerging the tip of the punt at a necessary angle, pointing at the direction that you want to turn. The actual fun is when you are learning to punt. There are many such learners with whom you lock your boat and sometimes one of them falls off. Moreover the river is quite narrow...Its usually great fun...

I am really hungry will start cooking....

Friday, March 18, 2005

My first blog

I can't say that I love to read blogs but interesting blogs are so much fun. Now I definitely want to try blogging to experience this 'new found craze'. So here is my first blog. It comes with a promise to myself that I am going to try to update it as 'regularly' as possible (an abstract promise ;-) ). Now I shall go away and invite people to read my first blog....